Saturday, February 18, 2012

The Buddhist View on Personality Types

tiny abstract 6"x6"
I've been listening to some Dharma talks from Noah Levine's site, Against The Stream. He's refreshing (even his 4 letter words seem to fit!), he's kind, he's crystal clear,  and he's honest. In a number of cases he adds a twist on the Dharma that I haven't heard before. Last night I listened to a talk on the personality types according to Buddhist thought. If you've ever wondered whether your dominant character was greed, hate or delusion, he makes it pretty clear. " Can't figure out which one you are?" he asks, "probably means you're a delusion type."

And he reminds us not to get down on ourselves (let's face it, none of these are desirable personality characteristics). You've just been waiting for someone to tell you your a greed type, right? But it's just how we came into this world, in one of these 3 little costumes, although we all have healthy doses of our non-dominant characteristics.  But it's about how we relate to our greed, hate or delusion.  We don't need to see them as who we are, they're simply thought patterns, preponderances to seeing things in a certain way. If we are a greed type we're apt to find ourselves "wanting" or "needing" what we see as desirable, that will be our immediate reaction to things. Want to go to every event that's on this weekend? That would be the greed calling. As an aversive (hate) type, I'm the one likely to walk into a room and not like the paint colour or find that the rug isn't what I'd pick. As I listened to Levine's talk I could see where I get into trouble with my painting; always judging, judging, never quite getting it right. Note to self: come back as a delusion type next time round.

Levine thinks we're not changing our dominant personality type in this lifetime  (as a hate type I'm wanting to get rid of mine and I'm doubting his position on this!) But it makes me wonder about the brain research around our ability to build new neural pathways and lessen the pull of old ones.  What do you think and which personality type am I hearing this from??


  1. I couldn't figure it out so I must be a delusion type. Mainly I clicked on comments (I have been having trouble with blogger) and it finally connected...I got so excited I could now leave a comment and wouldn't you just know it....I have not so much to say?

    1. I know people have been complaining about the new verification words. I was teasing my daughter as she went up to bed after listening to the talk (I said are you taking your delusion to bed?) and she laughed, that's it, I'm a delusion type because I couldn't figure it out! :)

  2. I must be a wreck because all three are vying for first place...

    BTW Although the date on this post (and in Google Reader) is Feb 18, Blogger says the post is 4 days old so it didn't start at the top of my blogroll. I suspect you started the draft 4 days ago. To reset the date, you can go into edit mode and click Schedule under Post Settings and then click Set date and time. I had the same problem.

    Further BTW - I love the two paintings!

    1. Ha, ha. I think that happens when we look, sometimes. We feel we're all the difficult stuff.

      I think Blogger is a delusion type because I just wrote and posted the piece last night, no earlier edition, hmm.

      Thanks for the kind words about the new work. I'll get there one day!

  3. you are always so willing to look into yourself and contemplate who you are. I will listen, but later (I meant to the audio) thanks

    1. I find it so interesting to look. It's helpful I think. Love to hear what you think of the audio.

  4. Just call me psycho woman. I am all of them in abundance. I love that your words sparkle with humor. These past few days I've been watching "all of the above" seep out in what seems like my every word or deed. And dang! I feel even worse noticing them... Fortunately this raw edgy stuff will pass... I'm watching that movie too.

  5. I read your post last night too and I think when we spend time alone and work intensely on something we just see so much of what we do, hence the feeling of psycho woman (is that like super woman with a cape and all??)

    It feels cruddy sometimes to see it all, but I think it is a way to "softening", like you spoke of in your post. Ah, for impermanence!

  6. I like Noah Levine and really enjoy the podcasts--he's offers a fresh take on the Dharma! hhhmmm... I had a tough time choosing among the three, so I must be delusional...LOL... Greed has had never been my things. Hatred at times maybe--more in the self-judgement vein like you was speaking of, Carole. But what I find encouraging is that they are thought patterns, and we can change our minds. Every day we have an opportunity to wake up & change our minds. I find strength in that. :o) Happy Week ((HUGS))

    1. I agree, that working with the mind is so important, brain research is showing us that it is possible to change how we think. And yet sometimes we end up in those habitual places so I like to remember that it's part of our humanity!

      I love the quote from the Buddha and have used it is some art and your words remind me of it: "Each day we are born again, what we do today is what matters most". happy week and hugs to you, Tracy!

  7. Oh. Oh. Oh. Can I be hate? Huh? Huh? Please? Again this time? I wanna I wanna iwanna! Coz I'm so amazing at being hate I like being it all the time!

    The interesting about greed is how I get caught in thinking it only applies to acquisitions. Those pesky thoughts and sensations sure can seduce me!

    1. ha, ha! you too, eh? yeah, I have lots of practice too!

      That was surprising to me years ago when my Zen teacher identified it as "greed" when I mentioned someone who was doing so much, all the time. And I thought it was enthusiasm and passion for life. I guess at some point it tips over, right? Ah, greed for art supplies, art classes, dharma, books, the opportunities are endless!

  8. I had a big long post here, complete with yogacara references, then while spell checking, thought: Nope, not this time!

    Who knows what to say when perception is deception!?

  9. Maybe next time? Good to defer to that inner knowing! So often we forget to pay attention to the "niggle".

  10. Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
    who am I?

  11. Are you growling, that would make you the same type as me. But I can hardly belief it?? Is that Grrrrrr for greeeeed???? I love when comments hold riddles!
